Thursday, September 4, 2008



In the dim light of the bar
Patrons spill out near closing time.
Their emotions left in their empty glasses
While I talk absently to my quaff.
Suddenly, a woman sits next to me
Her conversation walks all over
The place about something absurd.
And, dips unexpectedly into a nail biter
Then concludes with cavalier wisdom.
Our laughter fills the edges of the room.
A chance encounter becomes durable
As cupid inches closer to unsheathe
An arrow.

Arnal Kennedy

1 comment:

JE III said...

Hey Arnal, You touched a note and sounded some chords from the long song of my own "gigs" in the titular (some puns intended)locale you speak of so soulfully. I much enjoyed our communion over the telephone line and look forward to many more. I love you, my brother, and have missed your poetic, if at times erratic, personage. As Always, JE III ........